Jaké to je pracovat v Psymed?
Výběr lékařů je pro nás primární. Naším závazkem je poskytovat tu nejkvalitnější lékařskou péči od špičkovýchl lékařů, s důrazem na přátelský empatický přístup v každé situaci a transparentní komunikaci s pacienty.
Naše klinika nabízí našim klientům rodinnou atmosféru a maximální komfort. Najdete u nás vše od přátelské atmosféry až po moderní prostory.
V Psymed pečujeme o naše klienty s respektem, úctou a ujištěním, že se na nás mohou obrátit, kdykoliv potřebují lékaře.
Is this you?
- Do you enjoy to provide exceptional mental health care to the patients?
- Is professional behaviour & empathetic approach at your heart?
- Would you like to work in a modern, relaxed & friendly clinic?
Jaká bude hlavní náplň vaší práce
- To provide exceptional mental health care using bio-psycho-social approach
- Psychotherapeutic work with adults in Czech or English language
- To provide phone consultations with the patient or family members when needed
- Management of patient’s administrative agenda related with medical care
- Active participation at team’s meetings and intermissions
Co požadujeme
- University degree in Psychology and completed Psychotherapeutic Training
- Qualification to work independently (licensed clinical psychologist or ICO license for Psychologic advisory and diagnostics)
- Positive empathetic and patient approach to clients
- Ability to understand the intercultural differences and behaviour
- Ability to listen and analyse patient’s problem
- Great communication skills and team coworking
- Good knowledge of English is a must
- Additional language a big plus
Co Vám můžeme nabídnout
- Motivational salary
- Full-time or part-time job
- Flexible working hours Mon to Fri between 8am - 8pm
- Having sufficient time to be spent with the patient
- Independent and responsible work
- Opportunity to co-create and influence the clinic running
- Friendly and pleasant working environment
- Relaxed modern family clinic environment
- Convenient residential location Prague 6, at metro stop Bořislavka
If you would like to join our team, please email your CV to jan.hlavac@unicare.cz
Máte zájem u nás pracovat? Dejte nám o sobě vědět.
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