
Recognizing and overcoming toxic relationships

Recognizing and overcoming toxic relationships

Everyday communication with people has its bright and shady sides. We all try to get along with people and not hurt each other. But at some point, we may start to give in too much to someone. We stop considering our own needs and sacrifice our own mental health and well-being for someone else's. Relationships that don't benefit one or both parties are called toxic. We'll advise you on how to recognize them and get rid of them so you can achieve personal happiness again.

Red flags of a toxic relationship

The symptoms of a toxic relationship are multiple, appearing in different combinations and variations. However, the leading indicator is mainly that you don't feel safe and happy in the relationship.

Manipulation in a relationship is also one of the tell-tale signs, whether it is endless persuasion, trying to control and dominate all joint activities, or even emotional or perhaps physical blackmail.

There is humiliation, belittling of the other person and prolonged insults. Frequent and gradually increasing accusations leading to self-doubt are also warning signs. Repeated, exaggerated and insensitive criticism is also toxic, especially if it has no merit and is more of a covert insult.

If your partner is often offended and then ignores you, this is again a form of manipulation in which they try to make you feel guilty and need to apologize. Another signal may be the blatant use or abuse of your emotions, emotional attacks in moments of vulnerability and using your feelings against you. 

Various ways of humiliating, hurting and lowering the non-dominant partner's self-esteem play a significant role in a toxic relationship. If you have experienced these examples in your relationship, consider whether your relationship is truly equal.

How to overcome a toxic relationship

A toxic partner has a devastating effect on their partner as a result. If you identify your relationship as harmful, only two reasonable options exist. Try to do something about it or end the relationship. Change in such a relationship is only possible if the partner agrees. For example, they are unaware of the effects of their actions on you. Write down what this relationship brings you and what it takes away from you. If you feel it is worth saving, you must go into an open debate and be prepared for all possible eventualities.

During the confrontation, be careful that instead of understanding and trying to make amends, the other party shows signs of blaming, manipulating and finding fault only with you. If you agree to build a better future together, you can turn to counselling to help you. 

This will ensure that you both have the same approach.

However, if the toxic partner is aggressive, it is probably time to end the relationship. Be clear about your position and the fact that the relationship is about two people, and you are no longer happy in it. Try to be calm, even if the other party won't be. Be prepared for threats, blackmail and silent ignoring. Thank them for their time, and walk away with your head held high. 

Of course, it's okay to go through an important grieving phase; after all, you've invested considerable emotion, time and a chunk of your life into the relationship. But when you do, there's only a better future ahead. And with other partners, you'll be looking for warning signs.

You are not alone

If you have found yourself in previous cases, there is a good chance that you, too, have been affected by a toxic relationship. Whether it's in its infancy or the result of years of compromise, change and suffering, some ways can help. First and foremost, it's important to acknowledge that you want to find a solution. Then, you need to turn to a suitable professional. Your relationship can still be saved, and you may have to move on. The main thing is that you have decided to address the situation. Contact our clinic, and we will find a suitable way to help you.