
How social networks affect our mental wellbeing
Social networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. They allow us to keep in touch with friends and family, share experiences, discover new things, and stay informed. But what effect do social networks have on our mental state? Quick access to information and easy connection with others certainly have their benefits, but surprisingly, they can also have negative effects on our psyche.
Comparisons with others and feelings of inferiority
One of the most common problems associated with social networks is the phenomenon of comparison. On the networks, we often follow the lives of others, which may seem perfect. People share their best moments, successes, and experiences but usually do not show their problems and failures.
This constant flow of "perfect" images and stories can create feelings of inferiority and failure. Be aware that social networks often only show a "shop window" of people's lives. No one has a perfect life, and what we see on networks is usually only a partial picture of reality.
Addiction to likes and self-validation
Social networks operate on feedback through likes, comments and shares. This reward system can make some people dependent on validation from others. Feelings of happiness or satisfaction are thus increasingly dependent on the number of likes we receive, which can lead to insecurity and increased anxiety if the feedback is not as positive as we would expect.
So, try to avoid tying your value to social media feedback. Focus on your personal development and activities that fulfil you rather than the number of likes you get.
Risk of anxiety and depression
Research suggests that excessive use of social networks can contribute to the development of anxiety and depression. Constantly watching the news, often negative, can create a sense of hopelessness and fear about what is happening in the world. The phenomenon known as FOMO ('fear of missing out') can also cause anxiety. Many people, therefore, feel anxious when they are not online or when they are not keeping track of what their friends are doing. Instead, limit your time on social media and focus on activities you enjoy.
Enjoy moments in reality without constantly checking your phone. Social networks are powerful tools, but their impact on mental wellbeing depends on how we use them. If we find a balance and focus on a healthy approach, social networking can bring us many positive benefits without sacrificing our mental health.